Thursday 17 November 2011

Yo Peeps

I've taken a look at the list of items we need to make for the SU and given it a small plan out. We'll be doing this week by week  monday to friday giving us a break at the weekend, this does mean we are going to have to stick tight to the plan.

Monday - Thursday each weekend models and textures will be made and put into a unity project.
Friday all come together and see how everything is going.

The work is get split up as even as I can make it, taking into account people want to try doing other things.

Main 3D art Myself and Tim, Main 2D art Emma and Jack.

This next monday we shall make a start.

Week 1

Create Walls floor and stairs in 3D + UV Maps.
Create Tiling Textures for putting into UV space.
Put completed walls, floors and stairs into unity.

We should have a completed empty SU for us to run around in on Friday 25th.

*M_ = Model
*T_ = Texture

Monday 21st - To Do

M_ Walls -    Nathan
M_ Floor -    Tim
T_ Walls -     Emma
T_ Floor -     Jack

Tuesday 22nd - To Do

M_Rails -     Nathan
M_Stairs -    Tim
T_Stairs -     Emma
T_ Rails -     Jack

Wednesday 23rd - To Do

Texture Models

Thursday 24th - To Do

Create Unity project and add models

Friday 25th - To Do

See you at Uni :)

Take Care

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good, Jack and I have already started to make some 3d assets like tables and vending machines. So while this plan is taking place we'll continue making these for now and then get the stuff for next week sorted.
