Friday 30 December 2011

What ya all up to?

just a quick one what are you all getting done at the moment

dinner Lady

i started modeling her n she kinda came out a lot older

I've not been using the images in my viewports I've been flicking back and forward between silo and chrome.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Friday 23 December 2011

Problems UV'ing

Alright guys. I'm having massive problems trying to unwrap the UV's of my models in Maya. I feel bad asking but would anyone be able to do them for me as they are a real pain in the arse.


Friday 25 November 2011

3D models done in Maya.

3D models in Maya

                                         Bar Stool, still needs the gaps in the seat but it's
                                         pretty much done.

The bench seat the goes with the table.

The bench table that goes with the seat.

The glass table that the stool goes with.

The big grey table.

Side table near the entrance by the coffee machine.

Large hanging lights near the pool area.

Pool table lights.

Small brown table near pool area.

Red sofa.

Tall table in cantine. Chairs to come.

The Tv that are placed in the SU.

Friday 18 November 2011

Thursday 17 November 2011

Reference photos

Here's all the photos I took, had to get rid of a few cause the quality was shoddy on them, if you want any of the files for yourself just ask me and I can email the ones you need.

Yo Peeps

I've taken a look at the list of items we need to make for the SU and given it a small plan out. We'll be doing this week by week  monday to friday giving us a break at the weekend, this does mean we are going to have to stick tight to the plan.

Monday - Thursday each weekend models and textures will be made and put into a unity project.
Friday all come together and see how everything is going.

The work is get split up as even as I can make it, taking into account people want to try doing other things.

Main 3D art Myself and Tim, Main 2D art Emma and Jack.

This next monday we shall make a start.

Week 1

Create Walls floor and stairs in 3D + UV Maps.
Create Tiling Textures for putting into UV space.
Put completed walls, floors and stairs into unity.

We should have a completed empty SU for us to run around in on Friday 25th.

*M_ = Model
*T_ = Texture

Monday 21st - To Do

M_ Walls -    Nathan
M_ Floor -    Tim
T_ Walls -     Emma
T_ Floor -     Jack

Tuesday 22nd - To Do

M_Rails -     Nathan
M_Stairs -    Tim
T_Stairs -     Emma
T_ Rails -     Jack

Wednesday 23rd - To Do

Texture Models

Thursday 24th - To Do

Create Unity project and add models

Friday 25th - To Do

See you at Uni :)

Take Care

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Was just having a play around with Unity and particle effects to make the ATM spray £10 notes, going to work on having this play when a button is pressed a few times then stop.

Student Union

Rightio, here's a list of all the stuff I thought we need to cover, if there's anything else you can think of just add it in :)

Student Union:
Plans for it/ measurements

Basic shell of the building
Stairs and wheelchair lift
Doors: Sliding entrance, toilet, kitchen, SU evening entrance and student services entrance
Vending machines
Chairs and sofas
Bar area: Shutters down
Catering area: Lighting, if time, food to have in area?
Pool tables
Lighting: Stage lights, strip neon , christmas tree lights and hanging ceiling lights
Decor - Posters, stickers, glass dividing walls
Costa (shutters down)
And possibly if we have time, some simple characters just sitting down that don't have to be animated

Character/Vehicle/Tree: So far the ideas have been one of the dinner ladies on a segway and a christmas tree, we'll need some concept art for atleast the character and tree/tree decorations before modelling.

Few ideas so far:
ATM spews forth money when you press a button on it
Interactive pool table, maybe push around the balls on the table, or be able to pick up a cue and play a small game
TVs that can play video clips
Lights: Be able to turn off main lights and switch to stage lights for a ''night time'' SU, if we have time, maybe add some characters that could dance near/on the stage.
Sound: Background music that can change depending on if it's night or day, plus ones for the chillers, vending machines, pool table interactions, ATM, food sizzling, toilets if you walk near them, sliding doors, chatter aswell.
Maybe be able to pull a pint at the bar?
Use the wheelchair lift
Have the toilets closed off but puddles coming from underneath the doors you can splash in
Grab food (food fight?)
Segway (jump on and off, move around SU)

If everyone chooses something they want to do or what they feel more comfortable with doing, we can section this out and start setting deadlines for models and coding interactions in Unity, we'll also need to think about textures.